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Case Acceptance in Dentistry Soars with This One Simple Tool

Sep 13, 2023

In the fast-paced world of medical consultations, a personalized letter to the patient stands as a beacon of comprehensive and personalized healthcare communication. I have come to believe that a letter written to my patient has the power to revolutionize the patient-doctor relationship, fostering a partnership that values the patient's insight and participation in their care journey.

Rooted in the wisdom propagated by prominent figures such as Dr. Bob Barkley, who passed away in 1977 at the age of 46, and echoed in contemporary narratives like Dr. Atal Gawande’s "Being Mortal," the patient letter serves as an embodiment of empathetic and informed healthcare.

Remove Confusion - Set the Stage for a Patient Partnership

Whenever a new patient steps into the practice, the journey commences with a comprehensive examination. But it does not end there; a carefully crafted letter follows this examination. This missive holds the essence of the findings, comprehensive diagnosis, potential treatment options, and recommended plans meticulously detailed to provide a panoramic view of their dental health status.

What makes this letter pivotal is that it sets the stage for an ongoing dialogue between the patient and the dentist. It's not just a briefing; it's an invitation to step into a space of mutual understanding and collaborative decision-making.

Don’t Be Conventional – Be Bold, Write the Letter!

At the heart of this initiative is the concept of comprehensive communication, the foundation of ideal care eloquently promulgated by Dr. Bob Barkley. Receiving a letter from your doctor is not routine or conventional. I believe it catapults healthcare into a new era where patients are not mere recipients of healthcare but active partners in charting the course of their own treatment. It is a gentle nod to a time when healthcare was not rushed, and each patient was accorded the time and attention they deserved.

Empowering the Patient: A Partnership in Care

In his notable work, "Being Mortal," Atal Gawande emphasized the transformation that comes when patients are made aware of their treatment trajectories, enabling them to make informed choices. Similarly, the patient letter acts as a tool of empowerment, arming individuals with the knowledge and options available to them, making them active participants in their healthcare journey.

This empowering document goes a step further to foster a collaborative environment where the patient's insights, preferences, and apprehensions are valued, creating a treatment plan that resonates with their unique needs and expectations.

The Resounding Impact of the Patient Letter

The ripple effect of this singular document is profound. It not only cultivates a bond of trust and respect between the dentist and the patient but also transforms the very fabric of healthcare delivery. It reinstates the importance of personalized care, where each patient is seen, heard, and understood, and where their voices hold a significant stake in the treatment dynamics.

The patient letter, hence, stands as a testament to a practice deeply rooted in empathy, understanding, and patient-centric values, heralding a new dawn in the world of dentistry where the patient becomes a partner in care, steering their journey with knowledge and confidence.


The patient letter stands as a linchpin in fostering a holistic and patient-centric approach to dental care. It signifies a step towards a more inclusive, empathetic, and informed practice where the patients are not on the sidelines but at the heart of their healthcare narratives, carving a path of partnership and mutual respect. Let us embrace this transformative approach, heralding a new era of compassionate and collaborative dentistry. 

I challenge you. Write an initial letter to your next 20 new patients and see what happens! I guarantee you and your patients will not be disappointed.

Treating People Not Patients
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Sample a lesson from our popular course Treating People Not Patients where we provide practical Insights on Hospitality and Human Connection to Provide High Quality Care Experiences for People and Practitioners

Treating People Not Patients
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Sample a lesson from our popular course Treating People Not Patients where we provide practical Insights on Hospitality and Human Connection to Provide High Quality Care Experiences for People and Practitioners