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Stop Losing Patients in Your Dental Practice

Aug 24, 2023

Are you losing patients due to patient disagreements with your team members?
Do you often find that miscommunication is the root cause of dissatisfaction in your office?

If so, you're not alone.

A lack of clinical expertise is rarely the cause of losing patients. Most patients leave dental practices due to interpersonal conflicts and misunderstandings. But what if there was a systematic approach to address these concerns and boost patient satisfaction?

In the world of healthcare, patient satisfaction is paramount. However, with the myriad of interactions and the complexity of medical procedures, there is always a potential for things to go awry. When faced with a disgruntled patient, it is crucial to approach the situation with empathy, understanding, and a systematic approach.

Enter the 4A's: Acknowledge, Assess, Apologize, and Act.

  1. Acknowledge: The first step is to recognize the patient's feelings. It is essential to understand that their emotions are valid, regardless of the circumstances. By acknowledging their feelings, you are showing them that you are listening and that their concerns matter.
  2. Assess: Before jumping to conclusions or solutions, take a moment to assess the situation. Understand the root cause of their dissatisfaction. Is it a miscommunication, an error, or perhaps an unmet expectation? By assessing, you are ensuring that your response is tailored to the specific issue at hand.
  3. Apologize: Once you have acknowledged and assessed, it is time to apologize. Remember, an apology is not about admitting fault but expressing regret that the patient feels this way. It's about empathy.
  4. Act: The final and most crucial step is to act. This does not mean a hasty solution but a thoughtful response that ensures the patient's concerns are addressed. Whether it is a corrective procedure, a refund, or simply a promise to do better, ensure that your actions align with the patient's needs.

In the vast sea of patient interactions, it is inevitable that some will not go as planned. However, it is during these challenging times that practices have the unique opportunity to strengthen their patient relationships.

Embracing the 4A's not only helps resolve issues but also builds trust and loyalty.

If you want more information on building an empowering team of great individuals, check out our video series. Here is a free episode.

Treating People Not Patients
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Sample a lesson from our popular course Treating People Not Patients where we provide practical Insights on Hospitality and Human Connection to Provide High Quality Care Experiences for People and Practitioners

Treating People Not Patients
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Sample a lesson from our popular course Treating People Not Patients where we provide practical Insights on Hospitality and Human Connection to Provide High Quality Care Experiences for People and Practitioners